Nov 2023: Two Nyasaland Appeals Dismissed


Two appeals to the Planning Inspectorate for housing development at Nyasaland in Crookham Village have been dismissed.

The appeals were against Hart's decision to refuse the proposals for development of one 4-bedroom house (Ref 22/01510/FUL) and five 4-bedroom self-build houses (22/02794/OUT) on the site.

The decisions follow hearings in October. 

The Inspector found that, although it has been agreed that the immediate location of the old caravan on the site can be regarded as Previously Developed Land (PDL), the designation does not apply to the site as a whole which remains agricultural in nature.

The Inspector also found insufficient justification for its replacement with a substantially larger building.

Importantly, the proposals fail to meet the policies in Hart's Local Plan (LP) and the more localised Crookham Village Neighbourhood Plan (NP) in a number of considerations.

Hart was not found to be deficient in providing sites for custom or self-build houses.

The proposal's benefits (allotments) do not outweigh the significant conflict with the housing strategy, the harm to the character and appearance of the area, the lack of affordable housing provision and harm to biodiversity. 


The Inspector's decision can be found in detail at