Oct 2023: Planning appeals relating to proposals for Nyasaland on Crondall Road

17 October 2023 Crookham Village

A hearing was held today at the Council offices in Fleet for two planning appeals relating to proposals for Nyasaland on Crondall Road. Refs 22/01510/FUL (One 4-bedroom house) and 22/02794/OUT (five 4-bedroom self-build houses).

Although there are slight differences in the relevant planning regulations the matters were dealt with largely together.


Several members of the community, and representatives of FACE IT and the Crookham Village Parish Council attended

FACE IT made a short statement, common ground was agreed between the appellant and Hart and the points of disagreement were discussed.

The main determining points will be how much of the site can be considered 'previously developed', and whether (for the self-build proposal) Hart can demonstrate sufficient availability of sites.

Other issues relate to the treatment of the undeveloped portion of the site including possible provision of allotments and/or community space.

Following the hearing the planning inspector made an unaccompanied visit to the site and environs.

The Planning Inspector will issue his decision in due course.