How to respond to Applications

Helping you to respond – Planning Applications

You can make an online response on the online form on this Hart web page (click here). You will have to register and login in order to make a comment. Remember that a simple response is equally as valid as a detailed technical one. You can also respond via email to


1) To view and application, please go to the Hart District Council website planning portal and search for the application

2) To make a comment you will first need to register using the ‘Register’ button  if you haven’t registered before.planning login 

3) When you are registered you can log in using the ‘Login’ button  then search for the application using the reference in the form 2n/nnnn/typ. This will take you directly to the details of this application.

4) Once on the application page you can submit your comments using the ‘Make a Comment’ button . Then enter your comments, with as much objective with as much objective supporting evidence as you can provide. Please contact FACE-IT if you need help with this – we have lots of useful information that can help support your case. Please contact FACE-IT via email:

5) Tell your friends and neighbours and encourage them to get involved – the more responses, the better chance we have of influencing the decision

If you are unable to login to the planning application system you can email with your response.  You can either attach a letter to the email, or use the body of an email. Comments can be made on an attached sheet with the reference number, addressed to ‘Dear Sir’. Send with a covering email which includes your name and address.



The key document to read is the Material Planning Considerations (see below). This is useful guidance to allow you to focus on the issues that will have a real impact and must be considered during the planning process. Feel free to add any additional personal views and particular points you wish to make, but ideally the main thrust of your argument should be tied to one of these key issues.


__________________________________________________ Respond to applications

For maximum impact, your objection should be framed around the policies and statements that define how the planning process works. We are far more likely to be successful if we use these as a basis for a reasoned and logical argument. To enable you to quickly access the most important documents, we have prepared the list below, separated into each major heading:

Documents for referral when writing your objection:


National Key Planning Documents:

Material Planning Considerations

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), especially sections 2, 7, 10, 11

Defra biodiversity 2020

Local Hart Policies – Environmental:

Saved policies - Hart local plan

Hampshire biodiversity action plan

Hart biodiversity action plan

Landscape character statement

NERC act 2006 – list of species 

Crookham Village Conservation Area


EA Flood Map for Hart District


Hart District Transport Assessments


Hart interim housing strategy